Over the several years that C’ville Images has been collecting and researching old images we have also been documenting current-era changes, photographing buildings before they disappear or business locations before they change hands. From these projects we have accumulated a sizable photographic archive containing both recent and vintage photos of places that no longer exist. From these images comes this exhibit we have titled simply, “Gone.” As the town has grown, many buildings were demolished to make room for new ones. Other places have been lost to fire. Many shops and restaurants have gone out of business. The photos shown here take you on a tour through time to a Charlottesville of the past. The exhibit has been shown in various forms around town but this selection of photographs is now available online for those who may have missed it. Some of the places will be very familiar to viewers, others exist only in the memories of the citizens of yesteryear. All of the photographs will take you to places that are now gone.
“Gone” is just one of several rotating exhibits you will find here on our website. Check back often for new exhibits and occasional changes and updates to current exhibits.

Photographs from the Holsinger Collection and John Shepherd are courtesy Special Collection, UVA Library. Other images are from sources noted in the text. All work is copyrighted and is not to be used without permission.